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Reasons to record your family history

Have you been bitten by the family ancestry bug? It’s important to document all the work and research that you’re doing. Irish roots can be difficult to trace, so when you find every little bit of information it should be documented, saving a lot of heartache in the long run.

Here are a few reasons you should record your family history:

  1. Writing it down will help you keep track of where you are and what you have done, it will stop you from repeating anything you’ve already done.
  2. You’ll be able to catch errors when it’s in writing in front of you. If you are researching your Irish family and you have hundreds of Marys and Elizabeths, or Patricks and Johns to sift through then you don’t want to get them all mixed up. Keep records relevant to each name – family group sheets can be a great help to keep things in order.
  3. Recording things gives you a clearer picture of each family within your tree.  Everything makes sense when it’s written down and it will keep you organised and on track. 
  4. Imagine doing all this hard work on your family history only to lose it because you didn’t write it down – don’t be that person. Record everything you find no matter how small and unimportant, you never know which little detail could mean a lot to a family member.
  5. You get to share your records with the rest of your family – young and old will enjoy it immensely.
  6. Lastly and probably most importantly, talk to everyone especially family members of a certain age, if they are willing to share.  They have stories and memories that will help bring your family tree to life in ways you won’t realise until you do.

If you need any help along the way just get in touch. I can help keep your research on track or if you need anything done here in Ireland on the ground. Stories matter, and little stories matter even more!

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